Lowell Milken: Photos


Milken Educator Awards

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Lowell Milken Congratulations Dr. Danielle Ferreira

Lowell Milken steadies an emotional, excited Danielle Ferreira as the entire assembly—including the many Milken Educators who came to welcome her—applaud in appreciation.

Lowell Milken with Brittany Matsushino
Lowell Milken with Kimberly Moreno class
Lowell Milken Presents California Milken Educator Award
Lowell Milken and Milken Educator Shalini Sharma
Lowell Milken and Milken Educator Brandon Sportel
Lowell Milken Gives a Pop Quiz
Media Interview Lowell Milken about Education
Lowell Milken and Milken Educator Amy Stanislowski
Lowell Milken Congratulations Dr. Danielle Ferreira
Lowell Milken's Sister Lends a Hand
Lowell Milken Visting a LAUSD Classroom
Lowell Milken Speaks at LSU Laboratory School
Lowell Milken Talks to a Young Student
Lowell Milken Engages LAUSD Elementary Students
Milken Educator Aaron Chung and Lowell Milken
Lowell Milken and Arne Duncan Congratulate a Chicago Milken Educator